Book Highlight: Little People To the Rescue • 小小人兒來幫忙

It's been a while since I've done one of these (because it's been a little cray around here lately), but this book was top of mind since we *just* read it at Story Time today in our Reading Club.

Plus, I happen to have photos of the book on my phone (bc I wanted to show it to someone over chat earlier), so that's convenient 😜

First off, my son (3yo) loves this set, because it's about big machinery. It scores points in his books simply by having a digger on the cover.

But I'm a fan of these books myself too (and I don't necessarily love everything my son loves).

For me, I love how simple and short the text is: there're often less than 10 characters per spread. But, there is SO much amazing detail in the illustrations to tell the rest of the story.

I also love the premise. All the books in the series (five of them so far) feature this team of little people, operating heavy machinery, to do "ordinary" things.

For example, the first book is about baking a cake, which seems pretty ordinary, but when you're super tiny, it becomes a task that requires various construction machinery.

The book pictured here is about the team delivering a Christmas present on behalf of Santa. Again, a relatively simple task... if you're a normal-sized human. For the little people though, they'd need to operate cranes to get it into the house!

Despite the sparse text, my son and I ironically take a longer time reading this because we end up looking at all the different people and detail in the scene. (I just realized I don't have photos of the inner pages to show an example here, just the end pages, which are also really cute!!)

He would notice little things, like a tiny person who fell over, or that someone is hanging off a hook, or that someone is hiding behind something.

It also becomes a great game of "I Spy" where we can practice different Chinese descriptive vocabulary together!

All in all, super cute book! And one that you can start reading as an early picture book because of how simple the text is.

Find the book here: Little People To the Rescue Bundle (Set of 4) • 小小人兒來幫忙繪本集 (4冊)

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