How It Started vs How It's Going
There was a time, not thaaat long ago… when I didn’t even bother speaking Cantonese to my big kid at all
Even after I started, I wasn’t sure how likely he would pick it up (after all, I started “late” and he is a “jook sing”).
A few years ago, when I wishfully hoarded Sagebooks and Greenfield for learning to read Chinese, I had no idea if they would “work”. Or if I was just wasting my money?! (cause omg — they’re soo expensive)
I’m ETERNALLY thankful to those (online & irl) who paved the way, and convinced me this was possible in Canto, even under our circumstances ❤️
Our progress isn’t blazingly fast — big bro is still solidly in picture book territory — but when I look back at where we started, he has already farrr exceeded what I thought we’d be capable of together 🥹
I don’t know how much further we’ll go from here. Unlike with little bro, everything with big bro is somewhat uncharted territory for me…
Not sure what inspired this, but i’ve been having a lot of ~thoughts~ lately around the role Cantonese will play in my kids’ lives as they grow up, especially in light of the waves of immigration of HKers to Toronto recently, but… I’ll leave that for another day