Squabble Squad is a popular bridge book series, written and created in Hong Kong. It features a cast of relatable characters, including the short and savvy Go Lok Man (高立民), and the tall and absentminded Man Lok Sum (文樂心) — a pair who never stops bickering!
Like any group of friends, these folks love to joke and poke fun at each other, but will also come to each other's aid whenever called upon! This popular series follows all the adventures in Blue Sky Elementary School that will leave young readers laughing and crying!
"Boys are stronger!"
"Girls are better!"
Who would've thought a small verbal exchange in the classroom would turn into a full-blown competition and battle of the sexes.
How will Ko Lap Man 高立民 and Man Lok Sum 文樂心 (who never stops bickering and squabbling!), and their their classmates, compete and showcase their "talents"?
Who will walk away victorious in this battle of the sexes?