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In this charming, garden-to-table story, a very determined Benji learns how to grow the biggest banana squash ever!
Have you ever wanted to achieve something so much that you were willing to dedicate yourself to a project for months on end?
That’s what Benji did when he decided to grow the world’s biggest squash in Benji and the 24 Pound Banana Squash by bestselling author Alan C. Fox with illustrations by Eefje Kuijl.
It all begins when Benji plants the squash seeds that he saved from the summer before, way in the back of the garden. He carefully nurtures and waters them, but for awhile, nothing happens.
Then suddenly one day, the tiny sprouts start pushing through the soil and Benji begins to see his hard work pay off. He continues to care for his plants – and they grow big and strong.
When the first gigantic banana squash is ready to be harvested, he picks it and struggles to carry it into the house. His dad weighs the squash – 24 pounds! – and takes a picture of Benji holding his king-size vegetable.
But the best part comes when Benji’s mom cooks the squash with butter and brown sugar, so everyone in the family can gather and enjoy a delicious feast
A lighthearted picture book about dreaming and gardening, while teaching children about patience, love, and perseverance.
Hardcover | 36 pages | 25 x 26cm