Created by a local Hong Kong children's book author and illustrator, this story follows a boy with autism and his small interactions with insects, as he spends time with his grandmother during their daily routine.
Through the eyes of the boy, readers are presented with the inner world of a typical autistic child and the unique characteristics of children with special needs, as well as a glimpse into the daily lives of individuals with different needs and traits, all with the hope of promoting a harmonious and inclusive society.
This picture book aims to enhance readers' understanding of autism and eradicate prejudice, while encouraging readers to view all children with special educational needs and other vulnerable groups in a new light. To experiment with the possibility of social inclusion, the book is presented without words, so that readers with language barriers or those who do not understand Chinese can also enjoy reading it.
A Cantonese narration is available on publication's official website.
Hardcover | 44 pages | 22 x 28.5cm