Winter 2021 New Arrivals
Here are some highlights for titles that just arrived from Hong Kong. You can also see everything that came in here.

Fascinating STEM Careers
Created by an engineer, Dr Shini Somora—now translated into traditional Chinese—this series of books feature engaging illustrations and empowering stories to introduce young readers to various interesting STEM careers!
Each book even includes interesting activities to try, to get a taste of what the profession is about :)
Sunya Reading Pen Starter Kit
Sunya's Reading Pen is one of the few pens on the market that has Cantonese audio, with a growing collection of compatible books.
The Starter Kit itself introduces 600+ of the most commonly used words across 28 different themes found in a child's everyday life.

Hamburger and Char Siu Bao
Out of print for a little bit, we managed to grab some copies of this really sweet book this shipment.
It's a heartwarming tale highlighting the clash between traditional (char siu bao) and "modern" (hamburgers) cultures between a grandpa and grandson!
1000 Things That Go
An engaging bilingual picture reference book that contains exactly 1000 things that go! Ranging from Roman chariots to stretch limousines and lunar modules, all using vocabulary common in Hong Kong Chinese (e.g. 地鐵、貨車、小巴).
Bilingual Sensory Board Books
Using real photos featuring age-appropriate vocabulary in different themes (colours, meal time, play time), these bilingual Touch-and-Feel board books by DK are perfect for encouraging tiny fingers to explore with their senses!

Pop Out & Play Books!
Build confidence and creativity with these sturdy pop-out-and-play board books. These books are great on their own as a puzzle toy, and are also perfect for supporting role play in young children while learning Chinese vocabulary!
Browse by Theme
National Treasures
The National Treasures series is a set of books covering interesting historical events in Chinese history in kid-friendly picture book format. It highlights stories around the inventions, the culture, and the economy that is relatable in modern-day setting!

P.S. There's a lot more...
... but we didn't want to overwhelm you. To see everything you can pre-order, head over here.
🚨 Do you need specific recommendations? Drop us a line and we'd be happy to make recommendations!