The Hong Kong Starter Pack #2
The first Hong Kong Starter Pack post featured English or bilingual books, so I thought I'd do another for Chinese ♥️
Some of these are old favourites, like 《Little Tram, Where Are You? 電車小叮在哪裡?》: We've had this for a long time, well before Little Kozzi was even a thing (!!) and it's absolutely beloved by my kids.
It features an anthropomorphic Little Tram who felt sad because it felt it couldn't keep up with the faster, more "modern" forms of public transportation in Hong Kong. But ultimately becomes comfortable with itself when it learns that people loved it just the way it is! 💕
Then there's a gorgeous new title this year by Stello So, called 《The Powder City: Disappearing Hong Kong 粉末都市—消失中的香港》. This was out of print for a while, but was reprinted this year with new illustrations added!
It's a HUGE book, with so much detail, featuring the lesser known and less "touristy" parts of Hong Kong. I love the cross sections of various historic buildings that I never knew about, plus the detailed documentation of how traditional wedding invitations were made 😍
Other titles featured in the pack: